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Activate your Email Subscription to: فلسفه اُرُدیسم و ناگفته ها The philosophy of Orodism

You received this message because someone requested an email subscription for amir_amirw1.orodis314@blogger.com to a FeedBurner feed. If you did not make this request, please ignore the rest of this message. Hello there, You recently requested an email subscription to فلسفه اُرُدیسم و ناگفته ها The philosophy of Orodism. We can't wait to send the updates you want via email, so please click the following link to activate your subscription immediately: https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailconfirm?k=gBvZ5eicnDvpR6npMtkL2jIxai0 (If the link above does not appear clickable or does not open a browser window when you click it, copy it and paste it into your web browser's Location bar.) -- This message was sent to you by FeedBurner ( feedburner.google.com ) You received this message because someone requested a subscription to the feed, فلسفه اُرُدیسم و ناگفته ها The philosophy of Orodism. If you received this in error, please disregard. D...